More details about this Prayer is found in Chapter 10 of Craig's book: Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing: Understanding the Mind/Body Connection to Your Illness
This is a prayer that can be used with long term, difficult to heal conditions - especially for conditions that have not been healed from past prayers, counseling, or medical interventions. These prayers will bring release of deeper unresolved emotional trauma wounds for permanent healing. SEE HEALING PRAYER VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS BELOW
Expand your search with the following prayer to identify
and release the root cause of trauma that blocks the healing:
Use the below 6 steps when first praying for healing
I. Prayer for healing:
1. Ask: What is your name. What do you need prayer for?
2. Ask: Amt. you feel condition in mind/body (0-10 scale)?
3. Command feelings/condition to go in Jesus name
4. Ask: Amt. you feel condition in mind/body now (0-10)?
5. Praise God. Repeat steps 1-5 for more healing
6. Instruct how to believe for healing by focusing on
God’s Word, not on condition. Give all hurt to Jesus
After using the above 6 steps, if the condition does not change, use the below
steps to identify and release deeper hurts that are blocking your healing.
II. Prayers for releasing soul traumas
1. Ask: When did you first have this condition or feeling?
(If the event is in adulthood, find earliest time with same feeling)
2. Ask: Amt. you feel condition in mind/body (0-10)?
3. Picture a safe person in memory protecting/hugging you.
(Use Love Hug/Love Pat for comfort giving hurt to safe person **)
4. Give away or command to leave: the emotional, physical,
cellular memory, sight, memory, and hearing trauma in Jesus name
(During Love Hug/Love Pat, envision handing condition and feelings
to safe person as you say what you feel)
5. Declare your healing and use Love Hug/Love Pat until condition
or feeling is 0 or 1.
If the condition/feelings do not change, repeat steps with event or
repeat process with an earlier hurtful event.
**ADVANCED OPTION-Open eyes to look left, then right, to find which side
hurtful image feels more intense. Keep using Love Hug/Love pat as you
look to intense side to give hurt away.
Craig Miller©2023 ·
As you sit in a comfortable place think of a hurtful event and the emotion from that event:
Think (or ask God) of a past time in your life where the hurt(s) started.
- After you picture the early hurtful event, measure the amount of emotion you would have felt during the event on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being the highest amount of emotional hurt).
- Think of a safe person that has been in your life who has provided comfort (anyone from your past or present, i.e., grandparent or Jesus).
- As you image the safe person giving you a hug and standing between you and the hurtful person or situation- [Give yourself a hug by crossing your arms over your chest, resting your hands on the outside of your arms or bicep (this is called a Love Hug.]
- Next, imagine the safe person comforting you with a gentle pat on the back. [Your hands can pat your arms as you think of the safe person saying- you are loved. This is called a Love Pat- by alternating the patting of your arms.]
(OPTION- As you view the hurtful event, slowly move your eyes to the left and then right to determine which side you feel and see the event more intensely on either side. Keep looking to the affect side as you use the Love Hug and Love Pat.)
- As you receive the Love Hug and Love Pat, envision yourself handing the hurtful feelings to the safe person as you say what you feel, i.e, I give you this feeling of _______.
- Keep using the Love Pat as you allow the thoughts and feelings to flow- until you feel or envision the younger image of yourself becoming safer and the emotion decreases to 0 or 1 – (on a 0 to 10 scale)
- Think of the condition, situation, or feelings that you were experiencing when you started this prayer. Think of the safe person or Jesus’ hugging/protecting you. Use the Love Hug and slowly use the Love Pat until the hurt feelings or condition is to a level of zero.
- If the hurt or condition does not change, repeat the above steps.
If feelings get worse, continue the Love Pat and say what you feel to the safe person until you feel better and safer. (More retails in Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, chapter 10)
Helpful notes:
●Even if you cannot actually feel the emotion for that event, just see the event and allow the younger you (in the past image) to guess what the feelings would be when you were in that hurtful situation.
●Whatever negative images, thoughts, or emotions come to mind, speak them aloud as if you are telling them to the safe person.
●If you cannot think of a safe person, imagine yourself in a “bullet-proof” bubble- where you can see the hurtful situation outside the bubble but cannot be touched.
●If the feelings get worse, continue doing the Love Pat, saying aloud what you feel.
This healing prayer is described in more detail in Craig’s book Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, chapter 10.
The book is available in paperback, Kindle, ebook, and audio through For more about healing or to contact Craig, go to:
Craig Miller©2020
Demonstration How to use Trauma release method
For more videos go to How to Pray When Healing Doesn't Happen Video Teaching
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