Here are some examples to show that we have an awesome GOD of miracles, signs, wonders, grace, and mercy.
God loves you and wants you to be healed too.
Eye sight restored
A woman had cataracts, poor vision in both eyes, and always wore trifocal glasses. After the second unsuccessful laser surgery her eyes became terribly worse with constant severe pain, taking daily naps to easy the eye strain, unable to completely open the left eye, and needing to wear +2.50 reading glasses. After praying for God to release emotional, physical, and cellular memory trauma from a childhood medical trauma and from the eye surgery trauma, God totally eliminated all pain and regained 100% vision. She can now read the very very small print on anything without glasses. Praise God!
Emotional and physical healing
During childhood a 23 yo man was physically and emotionally abused by his father. At 14 he turned to drugs and started using cocaine at 17 to ease the emotional and physical pain. When we met this man complained of back aches, headaches, depression, and mentally numb from the long term unresolved trauma. The man cried as he identified and released traumatic childhood memories. God literally wiped away his emotional trauma. Each time a memory was released his physical condition improved; his back pain left, depression lifted, and headaches disappeared. When we prayed for God to impart His love, the man would say over again, “What is happening? Wow, I can’t believe this.” I told him he doesn’t need drugs any more to get high on life. For now on, just take a deep breath. When he breathed in, he experienced a greater high with God than he felt on drugs. Praise God!
Alzheimer’s symptoms healed
A man told me he has been evaluated by his doctor for his cognitive ability and memory. According to the results of a mental/verbal exam this man’s scoring indicated symptoms of Alzheimer’s. We prayed in Jesus name for any diagnosis and symptoms of Alzheimer’s to be gone out of his mind and body. A short time later the doctor used the same exam with the man and there was a significantly better score. When the man asked the doctor how he could account for the higher score, the doctor simply said, “It’s not Alzheimer’s.” Praise God!
Torn cartilage healed
A man fell on his knee which became very swollen and was diagnosed with a torn cartilage. The constant pain was at a #9 (0-10 scale). For the next 3 weeks he could not use his leg or put any weight on his foot and had to use a crutch to walk. When we prayed for God to heal his knee he began to feel heat and the pain disappeared. When I asked him to do something he could not do before, he kicked out his leg and twisted it without any pain. He held his crutch in his hand as he walked away totally healed. Praise God for his healing!
Carpal tunnel, lower back, insomnia healed
A woman had developed symptoms of severe carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and for years felt fear, stress and anxiety. When she released the emotions to Jesus she was instantly delivered. When I commanded pain and swelling in her wrists to leave, all pain and numbness left. She had feelings in her fingers again! I also prayed about a sharp pain in her lower back that had been there for five years. The Lord revealed it was a spirit of fear and she was instantly delivered and pain free. She also suffered with insomnia for about one year. When I prayed for sadness regarding the death of her father, the guilt, self-anger, and regret broke off. Those strongholds were disturbing her sleep. She felt totally healed. Praise God!
Dissociative Identity Disorder healed (Written by the person who was healed)
I had Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities) with 15+ alters identified. I lived in chaos every day. Inside was like an unruly classroom with no teacher.. voices, arguments, emotion uncontrolled. I describe what I was feeling from the abuse I had suffered in childhood from an alcoholic father and perfectionist mother who had sexually abused me (father) and sought an abortion for me (mom) but it was too late. I felt empty and not belonging then Jesus came and showed me His love for me at the point where I first felt alone and unwanted, rejected, unloved. . . in utero, in my mother’s womb. His peace and love filled me as I yielded to him. He held me and I was filled with His peace and love. I no longer felt alone. I belong to Jesus and He belongs to me. I don’t need my alters anymore. They became part of my whole. I am restored to peace and victory for the first time in fifty years. Praise God!
Compressed Discs healed after 39 years
A woman told me that when she was 14 yrs old she fell on her neck after a handstand in gymnastics. She was diagnosed with compressed discs and for the last 39 years has lived with constant chronic back pain at a # 3 to 4 on the pain scale. One wrong move while twisting, turning, or bending turned into terrible muscle spasms and excruciating pain that incapacitated her with more stabbing pain in her back for days at a time. I put my hands on her lower back and prayed for healing. The pain disappeared and she was free to move without pain. Praise God!
Club foot, leg lengthen, curvature of the spine healed
An 11 year old boy was born with club feet, curative of the spine, and one leg was an inch shorter. He walked and ran with a limp and could not twist his body, bend over, or run without difficulty and pain in his back and ankles. He has suffered with this his whole life! My heart went out to him. When he sat down I held his legs as I prayed. Immediately his leg grew out, his back straighten, and he felt no pain in his back. We prayed again and his foot became straighter, with no pain in his ankles. He ran back and forth across the room, twisted his body back and forth, and bent over touching his toes – the boy had no pain and became a very happy boy. Praise God!
Body pain left after emotion released
This is another example of suppressed emotion holds the physical pain. Woman complained of body pain for years with the lower back pain currently at a #10 with pain and tingling down her arm at a #10. The Holy Spirit took her to childhood where Mother and Father were not emotionally there for her. When she let go of the emotion of neglect and sadness the physical pain decreased to #5. Next, the Holy Spirit took her to the feeling of devastation when her first boyfriend left her. After she released the emotional devastation and hurt from the loss, the physical pain completely stopped. Praise God!
Arthritis in neck healed & toes straightened
I saw a woman at the grocery store that had a cervical collar on and was holding her head up as she shopped. I approached her and asked if she hurt her neck. She said she had arthritis in her neck and feet for several years. She had pain at #8 (on a scale of 0-10) in her neck. I prayed for her neck and the pain went to #5. I mentioned about the importance of forgiveness and asked if she had anyone she needed to forgive. She forgave her son and another relative. When I prayed again, you could hear her neck pop into place and the pain was gone by the time we finished praying. She told me about the pain at #9 in her feet and her toes were at a 45 degree angle from the arthritis. I touched her toes and prayed for them. She said the pain is at a #2 and then said, “Wow, their moving!” “They are straightening.” She took her feet out of her slippers and showed me her feet. “See, I can move my toes,” she said as she wiggled them. “I couldn’t do that before.” “They do look straighter,” I said. “They are, and they are getting straighter,” she said. We praised God together and she said she was able to keep her neck up without her having to hold it and the pain was gone in her neck and toes. Her neck muscles had been so weak she couldn’t keep her head up – until now! Praise God!
Painful big toe healed
A man had a swollen and painful big toe from his foot slipping out from him a few days earlier. He felt a crack in his toe when his legs slipped and turned in opposite directions. His pain was at #4 and he could not walk without a painful limp. He forgave himself and allowed me to pray. After I prayed over his toe the pain was better. We prayed again and the pain was gone. I had him stand up and walk. There was a little limp. After we prayed again and I gave instructions in walking in his healing, he walked without pain and had no limp. Praise God!
Finger healed in dentist office
Sitting in the dentist office getting my teeth cleaned my hygienist said she could not use one finger because she hurt it the other day. She said she had pain when she used the finger. After I asked if I could pray for it, I held up my index finger and asked her to place her finger on mine. I prayed a simple prayer over her finger and then asked her to put pressure on her finger. She said it felt a little better. I asked her to place her finger back on mine to pray again. I asked the Lord to take all the pain away so she could use the finger and we could glorify Him. After I prayed she said in complete surprise, “That’s amazing, there’s no pain!” I said, “That’s God, because He loves you.” She used the finger ever since. Praise God!
Irregular heart rate healed
A man said he had a stroke three yrs ago of which he recovered with no ill effects except an irregular heartbeat. A registered nurse verified the irregular heart rate. We prayed to renounce the stroke and any infirmity within his heart. We asked the Lord for total healing of his heart. When the nurse checked the heart again (two different times) the heart was beating a regular heart rate. He was a happy man. Praise God!
Root Canal healed
A woman had a tooth that "felt weird" and only hurting sensation when she chewed food. The dentist then x-rayed it and indicated that she needed a root canal. She was surprised at the diagnosis but did not question that was what had to be done. She was scheduled with an oral surgeon for the procedure. Before she met with the dentist she came in my office and mentioned about the root canal. I asked if I could pray for her. As she allowed me to touch the side of her mouth, I cut off the diagnosis and spirit of pain, thanking God for her for healing. The next day she reported there were no pain and no other negative sensations with the tooth. She decided to meet with the specialist who then performed 4 or 5 tests in addition to x-raying it again. After which he indicated there was no need for the root canal at that time. She let the dentist know that someone had prayed over her but he didn't really have any response. The woman knew who healed her! Praise God!
TMJ and jaw pain gone
A woman had jaw pain from “TMJ” with tension and stiffness in her neck and upper back for 10 years. The pain became worse over the last 6 months. Chewing, opening and closing her jaw was painful. She woke up with headaches each morning, not feeling good with migraines three times per week. A mouthpiece during sleep would not help and she could not get rest at night. When I asked what happened over the last 6 months, she said she realized the poor relationship she was in was the third abusive relationship. After revealing and healing the pain from childhood memories, and abusive adult relationships, the pain decreased considerably. After forgiving others and herself, and praying for the neck and jaw the pain was completely gone. She walked out of the office completely pain free with no tension and complete movement of her neck. Praise God!
Knee healed after 11 years of pain
A man was “jumped” by three men which severely injured his knee. After surgery in 2002 his knee was never the same. He could not bend down on his knees, walk, or twist his legs without pain at a #6 (on a 0-10 scale). Just sitting his pain was always a #3 or 4. "That’s just the way life is," he said before I asked him if I could pray. Pain is all he knew for over 10 years. The Holy Spirit took him back to the incident which helped him let go of the emotional pain and forgive the men. After I said a simple prayer, the pain disappeared. When I asked him to do something he couldn't do before, he did deep knee bends and touched his toes and said, “I’ve never been able to do that.” He walked away pain free and healed. Praise God!
Asthma healed after emotion released
A woman said she has had respiratory congestion for some time and went to the doctor who said she had asthma. She did not want that in her life and asked for prayers. She thought it was strange she had this diagnosis since she did not have asthma as a child but was diagnosed now. The woman did not want to accept the diagnosis and did not want to live in it. I had her hold out her hands and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation of anything that has been overwhelming or hurtful in her life over the past several weeks. God brought the image of the stressful times she has had with her daughter and grandson- which brought on anxiety. I again asked the Holy Spirit to take her back to an earlier time in her life that was overwhelming similar to what she felt now. The woman went to an image as a little girl and having fear when her parents were fighting and yelling. When she allowed the little girl to release the fear she felt relaxed and a new sense of freedom she had not felt before. When the woman thought about the issues with her daughter and grandson, there was no stress or anxiety. After I prayed for God to heal her lungs, she was able to take deep breaths with no breathing difficulties. Praise God!
Knee injury healed
Here is a healing story from the man himself: “I have had issues with both knees due to arthritis and a thinning meniscus for a few years. I recently had an accident that caused major damaged to my left knee which immediately swelled with a lot of pain as I tried to move it. I met with the doctor and after draining 90 cc’s of blood off of the knee he stopped and said he was not going to go any further due to the dark colored blood. The doctor was certain there was damage to the knee and he was unsure why the large amount of pure blood. He requested an urgent MRI to be done to further his investigation. I was in Craig’s office and he prayed for the repair of my knee and I was able to walk with literally no pain. I went the following Monday for my MRI and when the doctor called me to discuss the damage to the knee he was dumbfounded as to only seeing the arthritis and some minor tearing to the meniscus that had been present since a visit back in 2009. He set a followup appointment for two weeks and said we will look at it again and try to figure out what was going on. I will be sure to let him know about your praying for me only after I make him sweat it out for awhile trying to figure it out.” Praise God!
Emotional release healed back pain
27 yr old woman had lower back pain at a level of #8 for a month with little known reason. We prayed for the release of the pain with little results. When I asked her what she was feeling now, she felt depressed and disappointed. When I asked the H/S to take her back to where she felt this before, she went back to a picture of her childhood. Her father was not there and she was disappointed from her mother's lack of approval. She released the feelings of disapproval, sadness, and fear. I asked her to picture Jesus giving her a hug and feeling His warm embrace as I prayed the Father’s love into her. At that time the physical pain reduced to very little. When I asked her to walk and exercise her healing, she was pain free. She felt healed of the past hurt and current pain. Praise God!
Bulging disc, pinched nerve, with bone spurs healed
A woman diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager had lower back pain from bulging disc, pinched nerve, with bone spurs in shoulder and neck. She lived with pain off and on all her life- depending on the stress. She walked into my office with pain at #7 with overwhelming stress from her job and home life. She was torn between the responsibilities of caring for her family and a new job that is demanding. She felt disappointed in herself and the situation- feeling as if she has let down her family. The Holy Spirit took her back to previous relationships where she was severely hurt and disappointed. God cleared the hurtful emotion and disappointments. She next let go and forgave herself for the abortion she had many years ago. When we were done with letting go of the emotional pain, I asked her if she had any physical pain. She said, “No.” I asked her to stand believing she is healed and focus on her wellness. She stood up with just a small amount of pain in her lower back. After I prayed over that part of her back, she walked out healed with no pain. Praise God!
Broken back healed
An approximately 58 year old man was sitting in front of me in church. I could tell he was in pain as he held his back and looked very uncomfortable. After the service I introduced myself and asked about his back. In 1993 he had a low back injury with several surgeries over the next several years. He broke his back – L3 in 2003 which reinjured his lower back - L 4-5. He has lived with severe pain at a level of 6 to 10 on a daily basis since then. As I laid my hands on his back he felt heat and the pain decreased to level 2. I instructed him in living in his healing and asked him to stand up believing in his healing. When he stood up there was no pain. He was so delighted to be without pain. This really increased his faith. I asked him to walk across the room believing in his healing. He first walked very carefully. As I encouraged him, he began to walk faster and more normal. He left the church with no pain. Praise God!
Eight degenerative discs healed
A woman injured her lower back five years ago and over time was diagnosed with eight degenerative discs. She used a cane and shuffled very slowly down the hallway into my office. Her pain was so great she needed help to sit on my office couch. She has lived in pain between level 7-10 (on 10 scale) for about five years. She could not walk, sit, and lay down without suffering with extreme pain. She could not enjoy life. Her surgeon asked her to see a counselor before he would consider surgery. I touched her shoulder and back of neck commanding healing in her back. She said her back became warm and the pain was reduced to a level 2. When I asked her to stand she was very tense. She stood right up and realized the severe pain was not there. I wanted her to continue moving in her healing so I asked her to walk the hallway. The more she walked the more free she felt. The woman left the building walking without pain and without needing to use her cane. Praise God!
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